Germany has to be transformed into a desert
- Henry Morgenthau (US Politician & Theorist) |
By converting a once thriving industrial state into an agrarian country, it would have reduced a population of 70 million to bare subsistence, if that, and ensured that there would be no nation on the continent that could hinder the growth of Soviet power
- M. Stanton Evans (Stalin's Secret Agents) |
Germany is not a typical European nation, nor even a typical Great Power; shaped by history, it has acquired a unique character and played a unique role, a role almost entirely aggressive and destructive, an alien body in the structure of European civilization - A. j. P. Taylor (Establishment Historian) |
Certainly there is no justification for those writers, and above all those academic “scholars,” in the West who continue to parrot the crudities and distortions of yesteryear. There is a monotonous uniformity in all their interpretations, the fundamental error of which lies in the fact that they, in assessing the reasons for the demise of democracy and the rise of Nazi totalitarianism in Germany, ascribe primary or even sole causality to factors supposedly indigenous to German history and society
- Michael F. Connors (The Development of Germanophobia) |
…when a people no longer find in themselves their own reasons to live and believe or, in other words, when a people is no longer satisfied with themselves, they are assuredly ripe for slavery - and there begins their decline. When a people think that they find in other peoples their reasons to live and believe, they have already fallen into slavery - and then their decadence is rife and complete. But when a people, unsatisfied with the contempt that they inflict on themselves in submissively assimilating the culture, language and gods of another people further submerge their biological identity, then, henceforth incapable of maintaining themselves in the ethnocultural authenticity of their uniqueness, they sign their death sentence for all eternity - and then their destruction occurs immediately
– Pierre Krebs (Fighting for the Essence) |
...the spokespersons of the European idea are not interested in Germany...They preach the dispersal of Germany, not its reassembly
- Moeller van den Bruck |
The Germans are not human beings...If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another – there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German – that is your grandmother's request. Kill the German – that is your child's prayer. Kill the German – that is your motherland's loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill
- Ilya Ehrenburg (Soviet Writer & Stalinist) |
The towns of Germany will not stand in ruins, but will exist as semi-lifeless blocks of stone partially inhabited by a few poor wretches. The streets of certain quarters will be crowded, but all joy and brilliancy will have gone forever. Wearied figures will drag along the rotten pavement toward their slum dwellings. The country roads will be broken up, the forests cut down, and scanty crops be growing in the fields. Docks, railways and canals will have decayed and everywhere the weather-beaten buildings, the monuments of our greatness, will have become homes of sadness
- Walter Rathenau (German Politician) |
Already the peoples, led by the societies for the regeneration of progress and enlightenment (i.e. the Freemasons), begin to bow before Israel. May the whole of mankind, obedient to the philosophy of the Alliance Universelle Israelite, follow the Jew, who rules the intelligentsia of the progressive nations. Mankind turns its gaze to the capital of the renovated world; that is not to London, nor Paris, nor Rome, but Jerusalem which has risen from its ruins
– Rabbi Isidor (Frankfort, 1868) |
…when the Jews realized that the British Empire served the Zionist internationalist dream more effectively than the German imperial one, they decided to back the English against the Germans in the first World War. Organized through the "Alliance Israelite Universelle,” the Jews embarked on a single-minded enterprise of destroying Germany
– Alexander Jacob |
People dreading the revival of German power will never again see the restoration of Germany's military might. We will nip in the bud every effort to restore it and finally, should the danger persist, we will destroy this nation hated by everybody, both by partition and also by dismembering the country, as well as by ruthless mass murders
– Samuel Fried |
Our Jewish interests demand a definitive and total destruction of Germany; the entire German people is a threat to us
- Vladimir Jabotinsky (Zionist Leader, 1934) |
Germany is the biggest enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. Our aim is therefore a merciless campaign against all Germans, a complete destruction of the nation and an economic blockade against any German, their wives and children
- Kulischer (Jewish Professor, 1937) |
You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit
- Winston Churchill |
In defense of the declaration of war on Germany, it is yet said that Britain had to save the world from “Prussian militarism” — the relentless drive for world domination of the Teutonic warrior race. Yet, in retrospect, this appears a modern myth...Germany appears to have been among the least militaristic of European powers
- Pat Buchanan (Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War) |
Had Britain not declared war, the war would not have lasted until 1917 - and Lenin would likely have died unmourned in Geneva. And had the Bolsheviks still come to power in Russia, a victorious German army would have marched in and made short work of them
- Patrick J. Buchanan |
The indelible memory of atrocity stories that had taken place only in the imaginations of British propaganda agents proved to be stronger and more persistent than any facts. This curious discovery, the power of myths over facts, was the real legacy of the First World War
- Richard Milton |
Anyone with a precise knowledge knowledge of Germany cannot doubt that it was Germany itself which suffered most at the hands of the Nazis
- Helga Zepp LaRouche |